About Us

Childlight Candles is the dream of a former homeless veteran. After serving 8 years of active service, including two tours in the Pursian Gulf, and 2 years of active reserve in the US Army, Staff Sergeant Solano was discharged due to injuries sustained in combat.
For decades the owner sought benefits entitled to veterans disabled due to service. Until this day, no benefits have been given. He has had to live for years, with his wife and their five children, in hotels and, for a short stint, in a local Dallas shelter.
Our Mission
Sadly, this is not uncommon for many of our veterans, and their families. Seeking help, they are often denied due to clerical errors, or strict financial standards. Often, out of sheer frustration, veterans give up. Many of them suffer homelessness, lack of funds necessary even for basic living. Many commit suicide.
Along with this, the plight of child abuse and sex trafficking happens in a country where this should never happen.
Childlight Candles knows there are many good hearted people, like you, that are as equally hurt by these stories of pain and suffering, but have the chaotic busyness of your family, and day to day responsibilities, drowning out your ability.

More About Us
By purchasing one of our candles, not only will your home quickly fill with the warm, vibrant fragrance of our candles, 25% of our profit will go to help those you also care about!
We will link, on a monthly basis, videos of your loving purchase on our social media pages, Facebook and YouTube. We will also post the monthly contributions given, as well as an annual total, updated monthly, so you can see how you are helping.
Alone, we can do very little. Together we can do so much!
Thank you!
God Bless America!